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Military crate spawn location.#19078

In an effort to slow down the game, the Military crates spawns should be removed from super markets, gas stations, mining outposts & the Harbors outside spawns. Military crates spawns should only be accessible in High Radioactive areas (example: Launch site & Military tunnel) or behind card room puzzles of any Tier. I think this would help the game a lot and actually force players to learn and do puzzles and be rewarded for it. Running naked on fresh wipe and getting a tier 2 weapon out of your first gas station run should not be possible. Tier 1 areas should only offer the possibility of getting tier 1 weapons like Revolver / pipe / double barrel shotgun / crossbow & nailgun.

3 years ago

I highly disagree. Games are becoming segamented and structured in this way are boring and dry. A naked getting a t2 gun is no where near a big threat to the games balance and debateably helps balance.

3 years ago