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Giant excavator#21004


Have the scientists run the escovator so players can overtake it and loot materials
Reset every hour
1.5-7.5k sulfur ore
5-10k stone
70-125 hqm ore
2-9k metal ore
Instead of deisel on oil it can be replaced by crude oil
(Side note) as it stands right now grabing a pickaxe probably gets you more loot

3 years ago

The excavator is currently the most useless monument in the game. It would be hard to make it worse…

3 years ago

This sounds like a solid idea actually.

3 years ago

I crunched some numbers, and let’s say it has the following:

  • The excavator still uses diesel (no need to add crude)
  • Every 10 minutes, if scientists are present, the scientists load the excavator with +1 diesel
  • When the diesel in the tank reaches 8 diesel, the machine starts
  • Now, for 8 diesel (split 4 ways between HQM, sulfur, stone and metal ore) you get these resources in 25 minutes:
    80 highqual (for 2 diesel)
    1500 sulf (for 2 diesel)
    10,000 stone (for 2 diesel)
    4000 metals (for 2 diesel)
  • The full duration takes 25 minutes, and there will be some new “ORE” crates that look like biggger stone barricades inside the top floor of the excavator (where conveyor belt is crunching rocks)
  • IF you finish off the scientists faster than 25 minutes, you are free to loot the max 8 diesel directly, and shut down the excavator and make it mine whatever you want/need
  • After full mining time, if no one came to loot, the scientists keep the ore in stock for an extra 30 minutes
  • After which, the ore disappears, and everything resets. Once scientists are there (if they were killed and respawned) they will add 1 diesel every 10 minutes in the excavator tank, repeating the cycle
  • Of course, players can kill the scientists and just grab the max 8 oil inside if they time it right and interrupt the scientist’s operations

Great idea, and it would fit nicely. Also, excavator will ring pagers also when scientists start it up.

3 years ago

I like it man. There are “events” and monuments for components and all other items, why shouldn’t there be one for farm? (ore, stone, etc)

3 years ago


3 years ago