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Make everyone able to choose radio URL on boomboxes#24366

The voice props DLC adds some great features, but making the streaming url of boombox only addable by admins is really a big bummer :(
It would be awesome for the DJ, raiders & everyone else to be able to choose their own radio stream.

ATM if we want to play some custom music we have to use our mics and sometimes it’s not that great, i really hoped to be able to play ride of the Valkyries during a raid.

Please Fix.

3 years ago

I don’t so much have a problem with admins having control over what streams are allowed to play on the boomboxes of thier servers, but I would like FP to expand upon the streams available to stream. I have had a streaming radio station for almost 3 years, and this year was the year I thought I would be able to use it in an actual in game Rust RP event. However, no matter how I try to get the URL entered, it doesn’t pick up the stream. I think that should be addressed as well.

3 years ago

We wanted this too but couldn’t due to security concerns. It could be abused to get the IP addresses of players and DDoS them or more.

3 years ago
Merged New DLC Audio#24371
3 years ago

“It could be abused to get the IP addresses of players and DDoS them or more” It’s true, but even now it’s not hard to take a player’s ip and give it a go. I don’t think it can make much of a difference. I would love to listen to my music.

3 years ago

Could not the data collected by the default stations also be vulnerable to theft and usage? I feel like therr has to be some kind of work around or comprimise that could be made to this. This would be a great tool for content creation on Twitch.

3 years ago

@Lama Love Is it easier to do denial of service via the internet stream protocol, I’m guessing? Is there maybe some sort of mitigation you could do in the way you implement that? It’s not like Rust needs yo be perfectly compliant with whatever protocol that uses, it could probably deviate some to protect itself.

Also, what streaming protocol specifically does Rust use?

3 years ago

@chexo4 It’s not so much about the protocol. Some servers rely on their real IP being hidden behind proxies so we can’t do stuff which would unintentionally expose them either.

3 years ago

@Lama Love Ah damn. Is there a low/no-config needed way for you to route the internet stream traffic over the same reverse proxy the rust server itself uses? Maybe some way to make Rust aware of the proxy so it can make sure to only use that? That’d make things like this easier, as well as help protect against unintended IP leaks with similar features in the future.

3 years ago

Is there a possibility in the future that we may get custom radio URL’s on boomboxes?

3 years ago

Please bring back the ability to add radio station URLs, the current list of radio station URLs is small.
For example, not 1 Russian station, but the price of DLC in the Region as per game.
Here we have a station “Chanson FM” popular throughout Russia, but in the game it is not from which 100% of the Russian population of the game suffers, as for the anime community, because one Jay Pop is not full (

If you can’t solve the problem with adding the URL to the player, add a little more stations at least.

2 years ago

@Lexan4ik2 i agree with every wise word you said.

2 years ago

@Lama Love what if the Rust server connected to the custom URL streams and then forwarded that stream to nearby players, sort of similar to how in-game VOIP works already? That would also probably help with synchronization between players, so they hear the same thing at the same time.

2 years ago

What about adding an option to play custom radio stream only from team members or Steam friends?

2 years ago