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Put slugs back the way they were when you fixed them#32510


I miss the waterpipe slug meta. At least it rewards good aim.

a year ago

While i agree it rewarded aim over rng, they were a stronger version of a compound bow, and you are not stationary.

a year ago

Ok? Slugs are tier 2, so they should be stronger than Tier 1. What’s the issue with that? Also I would be 100% fine with compound bow allowing you to slow walk at full charge.

a year ago

So make it that slugs can be only fired with pump/spaz and then its actual tier2+?
And comp bow is good as it is, should just take less damage while holding charge.

a year ago

You’re missing the entire point. Waterpipe/DB + slug gives prims a chance vs thompson/hazmat spam.

a year ago

They still onetap those hazmats, just not on long range.

a year ago

I don’t see why your so anti slug, pro compound bow. Just accept that a gun has significant advantages over bows?
“but you can move and shoot”
like with real guns?
unlike with bows?
use your head

a year ago

plus, slugs came first, they added the comp bow after the fact. “they were a stronger version of comp” if anything, the compound bow is a weaker version of slugs
what im saying is
how do you gain from slugs not being tier 1?
do you just hate yourself?

a year ago

Anti slug? I litteraly said i liked slug pvp as it rewarded good aim/movement, but it was too broken honestly.
1 Taping cofee/headress/hazmats with 6 bullets in mag, while they have to crouch/pray with smgs i just stand peek/move etc..
Its just unfair, they would be balanced in old recoil, but in new one they were too strong as they actually shoot where you aim and do alot of damage.

a year ago
Risking 75 frags and 100 wood you can onetap coffee helmets.
Do you understand how gruby rust would turn again?
It would be compound bow v2.
If you want long range prim compound bow/crossbow/revolver and even slug at its current state are all viable options.
And nailgun for short range + crossie.

a year ago

LOL, crouch and pray with SMGs? I just had someone yesterday put 6 bullets in me within 1 second at 30m with a thommy. 6/6, instantly dead, zero response time. Pump slug was fine and in line with other T2 pvp. Now it’s back to wet noodle status.

a year ago

Nice, but you realise smg is complete gambling, somedays you triple somone at 200m, somedays aimcone fucks you over even in a 20m fight.
While pump slug always shot in the head and oneshoted.
Pump slug was winning against smgs with 0 cover even most of the time, i had a fight i ran into 4 hazmats behind fake recycler 20-30m range and just 1tapped every single one of them in 4 bullets while they managed to hit me once?
Obviously if the smg waits for you to get into kill range and then peaks you are dead in 0.2sec, thats how new gunplay works.
And if you have an ak just kill everyone in 100m radius in 0.2sec with a silencer, and even at 300m at times while camping trainyard roof for example.

a year ago

Rust is supposed to be grubby. I one tapped a thommyboi the other day with an eoka, so what. The only difference between a pump/slug killing you, and a thommy killing you was the number of bullets fired. The time is the same, damn near instant. Now, unless they are like 20 meters away, it does like nothing. They were right to get rid of the range falloff, people liked it. Then they removed it cause the thommybois cried.

a year ago

As i said i personally loved using pump slugs, but on the receiving hand it felt unplayable as they can hide/stall behind an object quickpeek you hit 2 body shots to kill you, or 1tap you depending how their aim is why you are painting circles with a smg.
If they reduce aimcone on smgs and maybe decreasing standing recoil as it increases bloom while doing so, then rebuffing slug is OK.
But if they just revert the slug nerf, everyone will just run around naked pipe slug and it will feel terrible.

a year ago