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Disabling the Workench 3 search tree#32554

I think it’s far too easy to learn all the high tier items (like AR, rockets, C4, …) directly via the workbench with a few scraps. It would be very interesting if these items could only be crafted once found and learned, a bit like in the old days before workbench trees were implemented. It would make monuments like the oil rig or the military tunnel more interesting, and make fights much more intense by giving them high stakes, especially counter raids.

a year ago

man fuck locked crates aswell

a year ago

Should remove all techtrees tbh, maybe not tier1 so new players can setup their farms and shit.

a year ago

getting t3 bps is literal garbage without tech tree how can someone enjoy that ?

a year ago

locked crates are aids

a year ago

Locked crates are free on most servers past 1st day of the wipe, shouldn’t be an issue.
Though this could make them popular once again.

a year ago

My issue ain’t the fact they’re hard to get but the fact they’re way too easy to get. The only locked crate that I find to be pretty good is when they spawn at land monuments.
Oil rig & cargo it’s just broken af

a year ago

Dont see an issue with oil rig, most of the time on high pop servers people camp them and it doesn’t reset, recently saw 2 groups camp it from wipeday to 2nd day, it didn’t respawn ONCE.
In 24 hours+, saw it spawn only at the start of the wipe.

a year ago

That’s a very specific case, when they aren’t camped it’s stupidly overpowered

a year ago

Its faster to camp a actual good monument like artic/metro and rush t3 to craft/techtree tier3, then it is to do oil.
Oil is better obviously for smalls groups as it is easy to hold, same goes for cargo, thought if a scrap heli comes and you dont have f1/hvs/hes or atleast an ak you are fucked anyways.
Obviously if you go on a dead server with 0 competition, do cards which takes you 20m from the beach and go to oil with crossbow/nailgun and get an ak, thats gona be faster then doing metro/artic especially when the server pop is dead.
Though most of the playerbase play wipeday/2nd day and in downtime they play some modded servers.
Or some friday/non conventional wipedays.

a year ago