Lets face it, EAC isn’t working fast enough nor does anyone think it’s going to stop the rampant hacker issue. What we need is real people; an elite task force of trusted/proven community members (aka long-standing admins of official servers Rusty Moose/Rustified/Rusticated) that are given the ability to temporarily game ban people until a further inspection. Their should also be a way to apply for said privileges, but of course they’d go through an extensive vetting process. To keep them on the Ban Team, I’d recommend a crowd funded Patreon to support these individuals giving up their hours and to further encourage swift responses & hard work. This way Facepunch pays nothing & if support were to dry up from the players & the program got shut down, it’d be solely on the players. I don’t believe anything crazy is going to happen w/ EAC or the way the game is coded to stop hackers, so why not fight dedicated hackers w/ dedicated veterans of Rust.
TLDR; Give some admins of official servers (Rusty Moose/Rustafied/Rusticated) temporary game ban powers until further review
This guy can’t spell or grammar for shit, but he’s got a good point
It’s too long to read, and i’m erect. So i’ll vote “Yes.”
Big facts!
I agree with this, shit needs to change.
yeah we need a community ban team
I love lamp
#Fuck the cheaters.
I agree with this, shit needs to change. ^^
Yes…. Finally
EAC is complete garbage and their approach is anachronistic. There is no way to completely secure a game only by looking at memory. Why is it that a hacker can 20x headshot me from -1337 meters and there is no dummy check to catch that? It’s just laziness on the devs part at this point. I can only imagine the hundreds of thousands if not millions of human hours of Rust effort wasted by children with hacks.
It’s entirely callous and uncool to continue things the way they are. Fix your anticheat, outsourcing it to a lazy crappy company is not an answer and you have known it for quite some time.
Or do you not want to remove a source of revenue, aka hackers buying new accounts?
I swear to god if garry doesn’t read this
Why not a overwatch system like csgo
Well said I completely agree
People getting around ip bans and HWID bans are also really easy, gamebanning still isnt enough. And we havent event started on the scripting issue
Hell no
if the game banners team had the abbility to ip ban people so they cant hop on an alt and continue thier rage of poor gamers and once an investigation is compleated they get un ip banned or kept banned